Product Catalog and cross-site publishing

I just got really inspired when I did some research about the SharePoint 2013 Product Catalog. It is not JUST for products, awesome!!!

It really made me think about how I can handle my previous projects when the customers wants to do an migration.

Just watch this (1h30) webinar and read the step by step by Bella Engen and you should be all set to go.
Webinar "What is the SharePoint 2013 Product Catalog - How to Set it Up"
 Bella Engen "How to set up a product-centric website in SharePoint Server 2013"

During this webinar I learned something that was not directly linked to product catalogs or cross-site publishing but still handy to now.

Naming conventions on site columns in search managed properties

If the OWS is before your column name it is a crawled property. But if it is after your column name it is a managed property.
So you can actually see very fast what kind of column it is already by the naming convention.


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