Alternate languages in SharePoint

Configure settings in the language settings


Language option in welcome menu not visible

When you have set up the alternative languages the user should be able to switch between languages by opening the welcome menu and choose Select Display Language to open a sub menu where the user can select one of the available languages.
When opening SharePoint in Internet Explorer 9 these languages will not be visible.

Open the JavaScript file in 14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\Menu.js . You’ll find the function MergeAttributes. Copy this function in a new JavaScript and add browseris.iever > 8 to the function.

//Fix alternate languages menu
function MergeAttributes(c, b) { 
 if (browseris.nav || c.mergeAttributes == null || browseris.iever > 8) { 
 for (var e = b.attributes, d = 0; d < e.length; d++) { 
  var a = e[d];
  a != null && a.specified && a.nodeName != "id" && a.nodeName != "ID" && a.nodeName != "name" && c.setAttribute(a.nodeName, a.nodeValue) } b.getAttribute("type") != null && c.setAttribute("type", b.getAttribute("type"));
  if (b.submenuRoot != null) 
   c.submenuRoot = b.submenuRoot 


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